Application for a Cryo-EM Project
Cryogenic electron microscopy allows us to image biological materials in their native without the use of chemical fixatives. The goal of the Core is to enable and accelerate the adoption of methods in cryo-electron microscopy.
Chemical Effects in Biological Systems (CEBS)
The CEBS database houses data of interest to environmental health scientists. CEBS is a public resource, and has received depositions of data from academic, industrial and governmental laboratories. CEBS is designed to display data in the context of biology and study design, and to permit data integration across studies.
Partnerships for Environmental Public Health
The Partnerships for Environmental Public Health Resource Center facilitates entry, management, viewing, and downloading of educational and outreach materials created by NIEHS grantees that are part of the PEPH network.
Program Class Code Breakdown
The Program Class Code is broken down into eight (8) separate fields, Strategic Plan Initiative, Grants Management Specialist (GMS) Code, Primary Science Code, Primary Program Administrator (PA), Secondary Science Code, and Secondary Program Officer, and used for DERT's budgetary classification of broad scientific research areas.
Superfund Research Program CareerTrac
It accomplishes this purpose by providing the ability to collect, track, and report on information about SRP trainees, such as contact information, biographical information, and training information.